
Kids4MO is a way for kids and adults to encourage kids in MO who were affected by the tornado that hit Joplin, MO on May 22, 2011. It is a way to bring hope to children and a little peace of mind to families. Plus, it is an avenue for children, parents, churches and businesses who want to help serve and give.

Like many of you, when the devestation of the Tornado hit Joplin, my heart ached. I couldn’t imagine losing everything. I couldn’t imagine not knowing where my kids were going to sleep, how I was going to change my babies diaper or even how to make sense to them of what had just happened. I immediately began to think of what I could do to help all those children, parents and families dealing with such tragedy beyond just the immediate things.

Since becoming a mom to three kids in 4 short years, every time a natural disaster strikes, my heart is tugged at differently and aches for what moms, parents and kids must be going through with such devastation. Its one of the first things that pops into all of our heads when we first learn of the news, “How can I help?” “What can I give or do to help meet a need?” For me, I often ask, “How could I help to get Parents out of survival mode or let a child know that God is right there with them and will never leave them.” But what could just a stay at home mom with a heart for kids and families, do?

I ran across www.Kids4AL.com and loved what they had been doing for the people of the Southeast after they too experienced devastation from tornadoes state wide. I began to ask myself, “Why can’t we provide Boxes of Hope to Kids in MO? Why can’t churches come together and help kids who need Hope”?

And thus, Kids4MO was birthed. We are now partnering with www.Kids4AL.com and are going to bring HOPE to children all over the area of Joplin thanks to YOU! We know we serve a BIG God and he can’t wait to use kids to teach other kids about Jesus!


Danielle Schneller

Director of Missouri Operations

You can also learn more about Mitzi Eaker, founder of Kids4AL, here.